Vexx (PS2) Gameplay

2 years ago

Vexx is an underrated platformer released for all three consoles of it's day. Largely overlooked, but has a cult following. As you can see, there are some camera and control issues, but that aside, Vexx closely mirrors Super Mario 64's design, from the maneuvers you are able to do, and the multiple objectives in each level. While most 3D platformers in this era moved the genre forward in new inventive ways, Vexx's design is a throwback to the previous generation, but that's not a bad thing at all. This is a good platformer, and well worth a look from 3D platformer fans.

Note: It surprised me to find out that Vexx is one of the 2 games that support progressive scan. Glorious 480P

#Vexx #2 #Gameplay

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