How to defeat Bill C-11

2 years ago

In this video I discuss how we are going to defeat Bill C-11 and what each and every viewer that watches this video needs to do.   I have supplied links to read the actual Bill, and then the email addresses of every single Senator in Canada with an active seat.  Please read the bill, craft out the best letter you can (review and edit it to as close of perfection as you can), then email every senator at your earliest convenience. 

URGENT!!!! In this video I mention that the first reading is not until the fall, but in fact, this is in its third reading. My information was based on what was said when it passed parliament. They clearly are rushing this bill. PLEASE ACT IMMEDIATELY!!!

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Bonnie Henry emails:

To see the legal challenge that is happening worldwide:

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Important legal documents to your rights as Canadian citizen:

The most important documentary on what is happening in the world right now:

Proof of Genocide:

Dr. David Martin lays it out for you:

The only proof anyone should need:

Alarming uptick in cancers since jab rollout:

3 times more covid deaths since vaccine rollout:

One America Insurance CEO reports 40% increase in death claims since vaccine rollout:

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