你选择什么输入你的大脑(WarningThePeople)Things You Let Into Your Mind

2 years ago

原视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZ-XZHgErEY



你需要选择 拒绝所有这些负面的东西 输入你的脑海,并将自己分别出来,只为听从主耶稣的声音。 虽然很难做到,但靠着耶稣的能力,你可以做到。 你可以选择允许什么输入你头脑中。 你可以选择扔掉电视,你可以选择不听消极的音乐。 你可以选择离开有消极影响的朋友。 你可以选择全心全意地寻求耶稣。 但这是一个非常困难的选择,因为你会失去许多朋友、家人和你的声誉。 所以你要做出决定,你会选择为耶稣而活吗? 你是否愿意选择让永生神的事情来充满你的思想和心灵? 还是选择用这个世界的东西来填满你的心灵? 你会成为撒旦的儿子吗?还是选择做永生神的儿子?愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

The things that you let go into your mind and the things you think about, those things will very quickly define who you are. If you are thinking about murder and lust and adultery and the things of this world, you very quickly will become a child of the devil. You will become a son of Satan. BUT if you choose to separate yourself, and you choose to keep your mind only for the Lord, you quickly will become a son of the Living God. But it takes a lot of work because the input is everywhere. It comes through movies, it comes through TV, it comes through friends, it comes in so many different ways, and if you are going to choose to keep yourself separate for JESUS you have to separate yourself from ALL those things that are wanting to input into your mind.

You have to choose to separate from everything that is negative input into your mind and set yourself apart just to hear from the Lord Jesus. It is not easy to do, but by the power of Jesus you can do it. You can choose what you put into your mind. You can choose to get rid of your TV, you can choose not to listen to music that is negative. You can choose not to be around friends who are a negative influence. You can choose just to seek Jesus with ALL your heart. But it is a VERY difficult choice because you will lose many friends, family members and your reputation. So you make the decision, will you choose to live for Jesus? Will you choose to fill your mind and your heart with the things of the living God? Or will you choose to fill your mind with the things of this world? Will you be a son of Satan? Or will you choose to be a son of the Living God? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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