Lowly Submission to High Standing | Sermon 06/12/2022

2 years ago

James 4:7-10

Because of the greater grace that God gives to the humble and not proud, James says to submit to God. This is the first of ten other imperatives in this brief section of Scripture. This all-encompassing command means that everything from our salvation, walk with Christ, our lives, finances, families, our health, and relationships are to be directed by the orders of the One with all-authority: Jesus Christ. In complete contrast, we are called to resist or actively oppose the works and schemes of the devil. You cannot oppose Satan without submitting to God. And just like with Jesus in the temptation of the wilderness, the devil will flee. The question is: what are we not submitting to God? Where does the devil find opportunity?

The promise is that when we draw near to God, He will not wait for us to get to some level but He will actively come near to us. James then switches as a preacher before a variety of people and as if to jolt them out of their stupor or sin, He commands them to clean their hands (or deeds) and purify their hearts (the inner man). Christ has saved us and washed us with the waters of regeneration but we often still try to blend with the filth of sin. A call to repentance is given. The Christian life is filled with joy, especially salvific joy, but he wants them to think back to the Old Testament sackcloth and ashes. We are to grieve over our sin, humble ourselves before the only One who can aid us, and He will lift us high from our low state.

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