Mobile Home Water Damaged Exterior Door

2 years ago

We are replacing an exterior door that has water damage. The door itself was replaced but it still leaked. They tried reinforcing it, but didn't fix the core problem, a roof leak.

00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:25 We are working on an exterior door
01:15 Sealed the door all around
01:30 Had to shim out the bottom of the door jam
02:00 We put the old inside trim and safety latch back on to save money
02:35 You can put a house type door and screen door on your mobile home if you want to
02:50 Be an American, not an American't

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#MobileHomeRepair, #MobileHomeImprovement, #Mobilehomeexteriordoor

Hi, I'm Phil Bridges, owner of Straight Arrow Repair. Ever want to know how a repairman fixes things? Well come with me, and I'll show you how I solve problems. Let's make things better together.

Hey, you're here. Guess what we're doing. We're working on an exterior door that has been replaced and it still leaked. I suspect from above. It looks like they put a one by four so it wouldn't be built up on the inside.

What you would rather have built up on the inside than on the outside. Because if you notice, this is all rotted out because of the water running behind. So we're going to fix that and you get to see how you can put a house type door in a mobile home. This has already been done, so we won't have to...

"Do much."

To show you how to open up the upper part. But we're probably going to have to replace some two bys around the outside edge. Here we go.

Well, we struggled, but we got it. It's a sealed all the way around with silicone. It's fastened with screws. The long screws are right here. They actually leave those holes out for you. To put the longer screws in, we had to shim out the bottom one to accommodate the hump in this floor.

Had to raise up this side to get it to where it would be square. Shimmin that bottom out would be to get this square with the bottom down here. And we put the screws behind the right there behind it so you can't see it and put the old trim back on. So it's saved money and we put the safety latch back on.

It's not beautiful, like I would like it to be, but it is solid and shows very little light. So that means very little leak or cold or hot air deadbolts are set. And there we go. That's an example of what you can do in your mobile home. You can put a house type now if you want to. You can put a house type screen door on here also.

So if anybody says that can be done, you can show them. And I've done this in many, many times. It can be done. I wish you guys will see you.

This is Phil Bridges, if you like what you saw and think it might be helpful to somebody else, push that like button and let other people know what you and I know, and we'll work together toward making a brighter future. By the way, we're not Amera-Can'ts, we're Americans. See you next time.

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