Leviticus Chapter 11 - The Diet!

2 years ago

This chapter is one of the high points in Scripture, but it is one of the most ignored chapters by Christianity. In Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, Elohim gives us explicit orders as to what is considered food and what is not considered food. Christians for some 1600 years have thought this chapter doesn't apply anymore and can and should be ignored. This chapter describes what has been called the "Levitical Diet." But nowhere in this chapter are Levites even mentioned.

Many Christians point to the event where Peter was allegedly told not to call certain animals "unholy." (Acts 10:10-27). However, this is a misunderstood passage that is an attack on the Pharasaic rules that declare Gentiles unclean. It has nothing whatsoever to do with dietary laws and Torah.

Yeshua states "what goes into the mouth does not defile the person" (Matt 15:1-19). But Yeshua was not referring to eating unclean foods. He was once again attacking the Rabbinic laws that demanded ritual handwashing. The disciples were being criticized for not following this tradition before eating (Matt. 15:20). Yeshua is saying that it is not considered a sin to not wash your hands before you eat, although the traditions of the Jews commanded it. While we all know that handwashing is a good thing, it is not a sin to not follow the traditions of man.

Some people use a phrase or two from Paul's letters to justify their sinful habits of eating poisonous things. Peter warned us against using Paul's letters to justify our lawlessness (2 Peter 3:14-17).

Dr. Rex Russell, in his book, "What the Bible Says About Healthy Living," gives a wonderful defense of the Levitical diet. If we think that modern science has shown how we can safely cook many foods that Elohim has declared unclean, we have been deceived. There are many foods eaten daily that are toxic to our bodies and toxic to our souls.

Most people ignore these dietary laws and think that they can cook the viruses, bacteria, and disease out of unclean meats. This is an absurd proposition. Dr. Russell gives the example of the puffer fish. If you eat just a small amount of it when it is not prepared just exactly right, you will die in a few minutes. But the Japanese consider it a delicacy. They have chefs that are skilled in the preparation of the puffer fish. Does that mean you should eat it? Of course not. Why should we? Even if it weren't a sin (which it is), it is not worth the gamble.

But that is exactly the gamble we take with our present diets. Many of the unclean animals we eat cause hepatitis, cholera, and other deadly and crippling diseases. But we still try to tell ourselves, "the Levitical Diet doesn't apply anymore." To disregard the dietary commands in Scripture will not only shorten your lifespan, but this type of intentional disobedience will prevent you from knowing the Father.

Beit Yeshua Torah Assembly

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