2 years ago

BENJAMIN FULFORD: MASSIVE FRIDAY INTELLIGENCE UPDATE! 7/15/2022. Macron is being indicted.Putins in Iran, while the fake Biden avatar visits Isreal, and Saudi Arabia. UN being disbanded for not representing the people of the world, the new one will include Africa,Russia, China, East Asia(Oceania) and the Middle East. This is only in the beginning stages at this time. Japan and Germany have removed their Khazarian overlords, and will return to their old national land holdings. Turkey, Egypt, Iran and Saudi Arabia ask to join BRICS. These groups will not be replacing Governments, they will tackle tasks to big for a single Country to handle. Thing's are happening at the highest tier of finance, the IMF is bankrupt. US living style continues in a downward plummet, as the fake Biden regime act like junkies pawning off American assets to Stay afloat. The Rothschild’s family has split into two different warring factions, against each other. Take all your funds out of banks and buy gold. We are hoping the fake Biden regime will be arrested in Saudi Arabia. This and more in this massive Friday Intel update.

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