Sealing Metal Roof Tips And Tricks

2 years ago

Here are a few tips and tricks for sealing your metal roof. They are putting tar on and elastomeric coating. Simple trick to save money when you're doing your tar. Use a brush by hand to coat the tar with elastomeric coating, keeps you from being sloppy with it.

00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:25 Had to go grab a plumbing vent
00:40 Instead of an $8 trowel, we went to the dollar store
01:00 Using a brush to apply the elastomeric coating to the tar at the edge of the roof
01:25 What we did with the plumbing vent
02:05 Be an American, not an American't

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Hi, I'm Phil Bridges, owner of Straight Arrow Repair. Ever want to know how a repairman fixes things? Well come with me, and I'll show you how I solve problems. Let's make things better together.

Like the sorry boss that I am. I had to go get a vent. Uh. They have done the job of sealing all this. And instead of buying an $8
trowel or higher.

Got gloves and this is a bamboo paddle from Dollar Tree for a dollar, so we'll save a little money. Cause then you can just throw this away and let me show you what he's doing with the brush. He's using that brush by hand. And he's coating all the edges, coating the tar so that we don't have to reach over with a handle on that brush and get sloppy with it.

And then let me show you also what we done with the vent. This is a vent, you can actually it's at Lowe's in the mobile home department. And I think they usually have that in the plumbing area, put silicone under it and silicone over it, put gasket and quarter-inch screws. You can use regular screws. Just make sure it's sealed up.

But we're going to end up coating all that with the white coating that you see on these edges. And that's what we're going to do next. So, we'll show you that as we're doing that.

This is Phil Bridges, if you like what you saw and think it might be helpful to somebody else, push that like button and let other people know what you and I know, and we'll work together toward making a brighter future. By the way, we're not Amera-Can'ts, we're Americans. See you next time.

#MobileHomeRepair, #MobileHomeMetalRoofSeal, #ElastomericRoofCoating

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