Leftist Abortion Nuts disgrace Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the Roe v Wade reversal! 👍

2 years ago

Roe v Wade news: After the supreme courts abortion ruling a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing concerning the issue took place. Please don't talk about gas prices and inflation, we have more important fish to fry😉, like letting leftist witnesses insult some congressman instead of answering simple questions. UC Berkley Law Professor Khiara Bridges was calling Josh Hawley transphobic and claimed he would insight violence againt trans people with his rhetoric, whilst defending the "right" to kill babies, without noticing any hypocrisy! Instead of answering Ralph Norman's simple questions, he got disrespected, insulted and portrayed as a monster for even asking them, by crazy nutjobs like Fatima Goss Graves and others. It's quite interesting how these witnesses were *answering* questions, to say the least. It's quite remarkable what happend to society, haven't we had enough madness allready? It's about time to bring atleast some sanity back into the political discourse.

#politics #abortion #roevwade

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