What’s Hiding at the Most Solitary Place on Earth? The Deep Sea

2 years ago

Sometimes this world appears, there is a little boring, we visited a remote island, we visited a remote island, conquered the arctic V, deep jungle, however, there is still a place not to explore, this is a much water and deadly wasteland, and to live completely in the dark and mysterious creatures to their homes, deep sea, let's take a look at the dive,
When we see the earth the sea is vast, and it's hard to believe that only less than 2% of the biological life here, and that 2% 90% of settled within the 200 meters below the surface, which is the starting point of our journey, the sun still here can penetrate the surface of the water, is still in operation, the photosynthesis of phytoplankton, including trillions of single-celled algae and bacteria, Forms the basis of the Marine ecosystem.
They are consumed by larger plankton, while the latter is food for other creatures, the seabed here can like the amazon rainforest, the seabed here similar to the amazon rain forest, mostly covered by coral reefs, algae and other Marine plants, have mostly been bashan, mostly covered by coral reefs, and other Marine plants, algae, is the home to a lot of sea animals. Since before we focus on the most is a relatively peaceful environment,
we pay attention to at present most is a relatively peaceful environment, also is our hanging hook, swimming, pollution and research, so, again to dive deep, Ding Guang so, again to dive deep, from the familiar to the shore to further deeper in the water, we finally arrived at the edge of the continental shelf, And here we see the continental slope -- a huge slide down into the deep ocean, and for every meter we go down,
the light gets dimmed dramatically, which means less plant life.
Look steep continental slope to the surface of the moon, looked out front is seemingly boundless stagnant water, away from the continental slope, we entered the so-called twilight zone, the entrance of the deep sea, continues to sink, water pressure rise to fatal, scuba diving is the minimum record of 332 meters, the depth, the water pressure as you make the top 200 cars, However we only completed 3% of the journey,
even if it seems bad environment, where many fish and other animals or "half", during the day, here is a good rest and to avoid predators in the vast waters, at night, they can be more safely to fertile shallow fill the stomach, in the transition area between the light and dark, light becomes a powerful tool, More than 90% of the species that live here.
Can be generated by the bioluminescent chemical energy, they are under the dim light of camouflage, sends a signal to potential with times or confuse intimidation attacker, or, the hunt, in light of another means to survive in the dark is teamwork, we can meet in 700 metres deep tube community of jellyfish, they can be more than 50 m, the length of the But only sweep the handle so thick, their length can be more than 50 meters,
but only the sweep, handle so thick, in order to attract prey, they are a very beautiful blue or red, and mount of the tentacles of the curtain is full of poison needle, needle can kill any creature, near the needle can kill any creatures near, but most of them live in the life need to rely on a rare resources, Sea snow, white flakes that continue to sink from the surface of the sea.
It is made up of dead animal and plant debris, feces, shells, sand dust, even if it sounds not very good, but without this kind of important resources, deep-sea residents will go hungry, is here, too, will be a pair of enemy exciting showdown, sperm whales hunted house the size of a colossal squid, even squid fierce counterattack, but they basically lost, But they will leave permanent scars on the sperm whale skin,
when we arrived at 1000 metres deep, deep enough to put humans build the highest building in, we must be careful, this is the middle of the night, was completely shrouded in darkness, a few have been explored in the wilderness, in addition to the darkness and the open waters ACTS, Swimming at this depth is harder than a spacewalk, food is scarce and life must adapt to make the most of its energy, like a three-decimeter long ghost crest floating motionless in the water.
Only a slender claw arm, claw arm stiff hairs from the water surface distribution to filter food, rather than active prey, this method saves a lot of energy, for predators, finding food more difficult, after all here live prey are extremely rare, zhu unexpectedly here live prey are extremely rare, predators have to do the right things right at the first blow, or prey will be escaped into the darkness, Many deep sea predators has many fatal long teeth,
such as snakes fish to make good use of its fangs trapped and trapped or even greater than its prey, and the swallow, a mouth wrinkle crocodile sharks as many as 300 backward crooked teeth, prey can be trapped in the mouth, let us then sinking, less than 3800 meters, close to the Titanic's residual, we went to the deep sea, The creatures here lead a slow life.

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