Pretending to be a firecracker is also against the law? … Deerwood Realty and Friends…Ep. 33

3 years ago


In Florida, there is security camera footage of a guy screaming “Firecracker!” at 3 in the morning.


1. When is it ever ok to scream at 3 in the morning and wake up your neighbors? That’s not neighborly.
2. If there wasn’t security camera footage, would you believe someone actually did this?
3. What is the thought process for something like this? “You know, it’s 3 in the morning and I’m having trouble sleeping….I’ll just scream in this person’s yard about fireworks…it’s the 4th of July after all.
4. The article says that pretending to be a firework, in this case, screaming and disturbing the peace, is against the law.
5. Is this a response to someone who possibly was shooting fireworks early? How should that have been better handled? So, screaming at your neighbor isn’t the right response…but what is? Should you put an anonymous letter in their mailbox? Throw a dead animal on their yard? We’ve seen that move before and it didn’t seem to work either. How does the conversation go? If you tell your neighbor that their fireworks are keeping you awake and you need to be at work early in the morning, is that going to stop people from shooting fireworks?
6. I feel for people during fireworks season. We have a dog that is terrified of the fireworks, and even though fireworks are illegal in the county, I don’t think it’s enforced too heavily. It’s sort of just one of those things you deal with when you live in a neighborhood.

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