Are Trees Designed to Make Neighbors Hate Each other? … Deerwood Realty and Friends…Ep. 26

3 years ago


1. Fellow has a driveway, and on that driveway, he puts his car. Well, pigeons from the tree next door dive bomb his car and his drive
2. He goes to the neighbor…he says “hey, your tree is causing pigeons to poo all over my car and my house. There were “several discussions” about trimming it back or even installing nets around it.
3. Neighbors for 28 years! Called a certified arborist…so the arborist said this would be ok for the tree?
4. The tree has become a tourist attraction!
5. "We've got a lot of pigeons, hundreds of them. We live in the country and you've got to accept these things." A woman said… Do you? Just because your neighbor has a tree sitting over your property, do you have to accept birds going to the bathroom all over your car, your drive? Does this woman have a tree where pigeons are making a mess all over her car?
6. The tree might die…Any of you remember here in St. Louis where there was a power outage during the winter and Ameren then decided they would get rid of all the limbs near power lines? Specifically, I can remember driving down Mackenzie and trees cut into a U-shape. Pretty wild stuff. Do they do that in other places?
7. Real estate tips from a realtor. Look at the property before you buy a house. Are there trees growing on your yard from the neighbor’s property? How will that ever get resolved? If you buy the house, have the trees that overhang your property removed, you are going to be loathed by the neighbors the entire time you live there. Find a different house. It’s going to be easier in the long run.

Side note:

I represent buyers all the time. When I sell a house, I always get security companies calling me saying that they need the buyer contact information because they need to know the buyer’s security situation. My question to the internets is, does this type of marketing work in 2021? Do you get a call from the security company and they say they got your number from your agent?

I will not pass along any contact information to my buyers. To me, this is an invasion of privacy….giving contact information of my buyers to some salesperson without the buyer knowing or approving. What do you think? I just think its wrong.

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