Neighbor Gets Arrested…for kicking dirt … Deerwood Realty and Friends…Ep. 35

3 years ago


Two neighbors. One fellow kicks a clod of dirt around a storm drain. The other neighbor says he did it to flood his property. The neighbor gets arrested for criminal trespassing, but says he was never on the other persons property and has the camera footage to prove it.


1. We have to do better getting along with neighbors
2. In this dispute, there have been racist slurs thrown both ways.
3. One neighbor doesn’t like a bunch of cars in the yard, the other neighbor doesn’t like that the neighbor doesn’t like cars in the yard
4. Now you have a situation where a neighbor has been arrested for trespassing but he isn’t trespassing. It’s going to cost time and money. That’s not going to make the neighbor happier.
5. When does it make sense to be in a fight with someone who lives next door to you? You have to see their house, their car, them, every day.
6. Is there a better way? Should one person just move? I say yes. Don’t move because of your neighbor, move because there is a better world out there. Don’t just sit somewhere and deal with the same tired problems. Am I wrong? Is there some reason to stay in the same place and continually be miserable around neighbors you dislike? What’s the point? This is of course if you have the money and ability to move…if you are financially unable to move, that’s a different issue.

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