will you follow the stranger's voice

4 years ago

This short study uses verses 5 & 6 to understand the falling away event that is soon to come upon the earth. There is no audio for this upload. Will you follow the voice of the antichrist or will you flee from him when he speaks to you. We also see how the IMAGE of the antichrist will speak will give wicked counsel. Many of the followers of Jesus will begin following after the man of sin. True flock members of Jesus the Good Shepherd will only follow after His voice.
Here is a link to my short study called "will you follow the stranger's voice": https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/114719/will-you-follow-the-stranger-s-voice-png-135k?da=y
Here is the link to my 70th Week folder that I keep with the folks at KeepandShare.com: https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/show.php?i=2617550&cat=0&all=y

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