Realtystream...We talk about what morning routines I need to become a Rockstar agent(falling short)

3 years ago

#Livestream #Realtystream #Deerwoodrealty

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First off: a welcome it’s great to be able to be with you today

41st consecutive livestream

Google Trends has us learning about Gracie Gold and Pokimane (both 50k searches each)

Smug real estate article…we will discuss…It looks like to be a rockstar real estate agent I am going to have to make some changes…

a. Jump out of bed and throw on workout clothes
b. Hug AND kiss my dog
c. Organic black coffee only for me please
d. Ride a peloton or yoga or stretch(I’m not running 7-10 miles)
e. Get more overseas clients so that I can communicate with them
f. Be a former model.

That appears to be it….If I do these things, I too can be a rockstar agent.

A. Maintenance Costs keeping millennials from buying a home? Really?
B. The most popular Barndominiums of 2021
C. Does a house have “good bones”? How to tell.
D. “Horrified” by home staging?
E. One thing that you can do to your house to get a better home all year long? Is that possible?
F. Top home design trends for 2022?
G. 10 items every home should have on hand? Food, no?
H. Rules for homebuyers and home sellers in the age of Omicron? Really?


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