LIVE: Shots Fired With Deanna Lorraine

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Join DeAnna Lorraine on her new show Shots Fired! with DeAnna Lorraine with another exclusive deep-dive interview and hottest headlines of the week. DeAnna goes over the hottest headlines of the week, including Jill Biden's latest "Breakfast Tacos" gaffe, crazy protests outside baby-jabbing clinics, Booster shot fails and more.

Then DeAnna Show is joined by special guest Jessica Bonner, child Speech Pathologist and Early Childhood Development Teacher who talks about how the lockdowns and masks have majorly damaged child and infant development, especially their speech and communication - and what to do about it. Must-watch and share interview!

Be sure to subscribe to Premium Content using code word DEANNA to subscribe for only $1, and to watch the full Shots Fired show with DeAnna Lorraine, weekdays every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm CT!

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