What is Bigfoot Really?

2 years ago

Is Bigfoot really a cryptid hominid? An unknown ape-like creature?

People have been researching the Sasquatch for decades. The BFRO, or Bigfoot Field Research Organization, makes it their mission to track him down and prove his existence. But what if he isn’t what you think? We will explore all the possibilities and lead you to the shocking truth which no one seems to be talking about.

Please subscribe so you don’t miss a single video and I’ll love you… at least until my wife finds out.

I dare you to find me on Instagram and Twitter. I don’t have a Tiktok or use Facebook, but I won’t stop you if you look for those super hard.

Gabriel Yaffe is a comedian, actor, and writer. He is currently writing a biography about himself for his Youtube channel. It’s been highly anticipated as the greatest biography to ever be placed in a video description. Gabriel name drops people such as MrBeast, Ryan Trahan, Paymoneywubby, ProZD, Sven Johnson, Trevor Wallace, and Daniel Thrasher, even though he’s never met any of them! But they are going to be shills for his search results. Also: Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Travel Channel, Yeti, squatch, chupacabra, cryptozoology, really really really big hamsters.
#FindingBigfoot #Conspiracy #ConspiracyTheory #Bigfoot #Sasquatch

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