The First Horse of the Apocalypse - The Conquering WHITE Coats of Genetic JAB-o-CIDE Science RIDES!

2 years ago

There is NO other way to EXPLAIN the BLATANT acts of unrestrained EVIL that are occuring in the WORLD, especially the EVIL surrounding this JAB-o-CIDE agenda, other than to explain that this EVIL is the FULFILLMENT of End Times SIGNS of Tribulation and JUDGEMENT that is COMING upon the Earth!

⁣First Seal: The Conqueror - Revelation 6
1Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” 2And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

⁣Have you wondered why NO Politican will PUBLICALLY DECLARE that these JABS are an EVIL DEADLY BIO-WEAPON for the PURPOE of Genocide and CHAOS to usher in the New Worthless Order (NWO)?

It's because in Greek the word "pharmakeia" means "sorcery" ... And the Bible tells us that in the End Times that ALL NATIONS will be DECEIVED by the Sorcery of Big Pharma DRUGS. The DRUGS, especially these Genetic Code INJECTIONS are the MEANS to DESTROY God's Kingdom on earth and establish a NWO Antichrist Beast Kingdom for 7 years then God will REMOVE all the EVIL doers and Set up His RIGHTEOUS Millennium Kingdom for 1,000 years with Jesus Christ RULING and REIGNING on earth!

The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery (pharmakeia) all the nations were deceived. - Revelation 18:23

This is what is HAPPENING Now ... The NATIONS are under a POWER of Deception from Satan that is ALLOWING the EVIL of the NWO Kingdom to ADVANCE and it ALLOWS the "Elite" Luciferians to Boldly PROCALIM that the BIO-WEAPON MURDERING JABS are Beneficial when in FACT the JABS have ZERO Health Benefit but are in essense Satan SNAKE Venom POISON from the Bottomless PIT!

Have the Four Horseman of the Apocalyse of Revelation RIDING on the Earth? Have the Seals of Revelation been OPENED? Have the 7 years of God's Tribulation and WRATH upon the Earth begun? I personally do not think the Tribulation spoken of in Revelation has begun but we are SEEING the Birth PAIN signs that PRECEED the BIRTH "RAPTURE" of the Born Again Church ... then the 7 years of Tribulation LABOR PAINS will begin for the Jews ... to bring them to Jesus!

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