52 Days Part 3

2 years ago

The Heart Of Character:
DISQUALIFIERS: Grumbling, Deceiving, Unbelief, Dishonesty
1 peter 4:7-11, Acts 4:32 - 5:11, 1 John 1:5-10

Unfortunately, the first 15 minutes of this evening were not recorded.
In that time we spoke of several things including “boundaries”… we also spoke of being “born again” and what that truly means beyond the phrase that is so often used in the Body of Christ … and we spoke of this ongoing journey of Character which is the place that God can begin developing true leaders among us. In that discussion we talked about how the goal of these “52 Day” gatherings is to raise up leaders who can do everything needed to not only “sustain” but also “build” what it is God has created us for, both as believers, but also specifically the vision that God has for “The Mountain Of The Lord” (MOW). Please contact those who were a part of the original recording and ask them specifics that you missed if you were not “Live” in person or on the video feed.

Session Four Questions
Acts 4:32-5:10

1. What are the areas of ambition and agenda in your own life that Holy Spirit is dealing with?

2. In your relationship with others, do you struggle trying to compete spiritually?

3. What are the areas of honesty that the Holy Spirit has you working on at this juncture in your life?

Matthew 28:18-2-

4. Because we carry Jesus’ Authority, and because we have been commissioned by Him to do the Works He did, how often and what kinds of things should be happening in our life regularly?

5. Assignment: pray in tongues 15-30 minutes a day - write down the revelation that comes from that experience.

6. Assignment: give a “Word Of Knowledge” (not prophecy) at every gathering you are at this next week, and give three to individuals outside of a Christian environment - write down the result, impact, and how it affected you.

7. Assignment: share the Gospel (to the best of your ability) with someone this week who doesn’t know Jesus. - share the story here.

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