SCOTUS handed down one of the most dangerous rulings against 2ND Amendment & the gun industry

5 years ago

Supreme Court Sandy Hook

The Supreme Court just handed down what to me is one of the most dangerous rulings against not only the gun industry but the 2nd Amendment.

Your first thought should be, how in the world is Remington responsible for what some evil guy did with their rifle? However, this is not about actually winning the case; it’s about opening the door so that other people can bring the same types of cases financially crippling the gun industry.

The law he’s referring to is the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

It’ a US law that says, you can’t hold gun companies liable when one of their guns are used in a crime.

Before this law people were suing gun companies and winning on the grounds that they should have foreseen that their product would have been used by criminals.

This would literally mean gun manufactures would have to stop making guns and gun dealers would have to stop selling guns to the public. Gun companies can still be sued for defective products, breach of contract, criminal misconduct and any other actions where they are directly responsible just like every other U.S.-Based Manufacturer or consumer products.

Before the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act the argument was, you should know the guns will be used in crimes. Now after the act, they changed their argument to, you’re enticing young men with your toxic masculinity weapons of war ads. Keep in mind everything he said is true not only of the AR15 but handguns as well.

Handguns are semi-automatic and they can hold the same amount of ammo as an AR15.

The supreme court allowing this case to go forward is monumentally bad for the 2nd Amendment. This is a money game. These types of lawsuits are not altruist; they are strategies. They’re not just attacking the 2nd Amendment politically, they are attacking from all sides.

They’re attacking it culturally, legally, financially, and with other angles, because they have the money do it. Bloomberg just spent million to turn Virginia blue.

He has his own media company and billions to spend on influencing other media outlets with his hate for the 2nd Amendment.

We can’t outspend people like this. The only way to win this fight is to shift the culture and the only way to do that is with messaging. Which is why we have to inform and spread our message as wide and far as possible.

That’s why I’m always telling you to share not only my videos but other people’s videos. It's the only way because trust me, this is monumentally bad for the not only the Gun industry but also the 2nd Amendment.

Keep America Tactical

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I Lost All My Guns In A Boating Accident

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