C&C Generals Zero Hour Reborn Superweapons Showcase

2 years ago

A showcase of the Superweapons Added/Edited in Zero Hour Reborn a mod for C&C Generals Zero Hour. To qualify as a superweapon It must be VERY destructive either doing a lot of damage and/or otherwise disrupting the enemy as it does damage, or be a buildable weapon structure meant to be used/launched at the enemy base. Zero Hour Reborn is a old mod whose newest version as of this writing (which is version 7) is in a alpha state, the mod (and it's newest version) is now developed No Life Studios, a famous Command and Conquer mod developer (there were previous devs before No Life Studios started working on the mod). There are 3 different Rogue Generals for the 3 different main factions. There is also the Commander and Chief (depicted by Trump when you select it in skirmish) who has the Ion Cannon which does a lot more damage (and a lot faster) than the Particle Cannon when it's activated. The GLA Dictator (depicted by Admiral General Aladeen from the 2012 comedy movie "The Dictator") can upgrade to a thermo-nuclear SCUD Storm. The Emp and Napalm Generals are technically two seperate people but are listed in this mod as a single faction and have a special power that drops Napalm Bombs that can be upgraded with Enhanced Black Napalm to be powerful enough to destory a Command Center. The GLA Terror General also has the entire map visible to him (he also has a plane attack but it's still being worked on apparently) and the GLA Rogue General can, with the "Baikonur Silo Radar" upgrade, do the same.

Disclaimer: This video is meant to showcase some of the mods video game superweapons. Like the "T" faction from CS:GO, the C&C Generals GLA factions showcased are for entertainment purposes, it isn't meant to promote "disturbing" real-world groups.

The mod can be found on ModDB.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

The list of Zero Hour Reborn factions and other superweapons (in Alphabetical order) where their respective superweapons will be, there are a few generals powers that more than one general has, these will be listed in the alphabetized fashion below.

China Artillery
USA Assault
USA Commander and Chief
GLA Dictator
EMP and Napalm General(s)
Fuel Air Bomb
Helicopter General
GLA Hijack General
China Rogue
GLA Rogue
USA Rogue
USA Saturation Bombing
China Supreme Commander

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