4 years ago

We have known about evil for thousands of years, yet we always were told it was not us that was evil, but others. Another leader, another country, another doctrine, a different philosophy, another religion, or even a far less superior understanding of what WE KNOW is what we have been told and taught from birth. How could you see anything less when such evidence is put throughout the world within media and our entire system. This is what we have been taught by our churches, our education system, our corporations and this has been lead and controlled from within our governments. Our moral code was usurped by the enemy through his willing participants. These participants lead our churches, our governments, our schools and any other organization that accepts slavery as part of it’s systems. YOU allow yourself to be a slave and you know YOU are slaves, yet it is impossible for some to act against such slavery because they have such fear. Acting upon your moral code is right but, your LAW does not allow morality unless it is the systems version of morality. What is seen as good is evil and what is seen as evil is good. This is our time and time is short. We will not allow this continue and we the people have shown and demonstrated restraint at levels that Christ would have approved however, if you think a Christly man does not stand firmly on the mountain he is willing to die upon, then you know nothing of Christ. You are enslaved by fear of death and the rulers of this world. Stand with me and I am you. Stand against me, and you are a Non playable character leading your brothers and sisters into slaughter without purpose or cause and without salvation. Salvation is freeing yourself from the tyranny that is before us. We will not choose slavery and we will destroy and separate all that stands between us and our own code that is written within all of mankind. Those that do not know the code will perish and return to recycle until the next age ending veil destruction. The restrainer of the morality of the people is the dollar and it is falling. When it falls, the restrainer will rise and destroy mall that the world thought was good but, was evil only. Tonight during a live show I will discuss these very things, show what is happening and bring you in to the show to discuss. Tonight at 5pm take the time to join the show and call in using ZOOM to ask questions, disagree or tell the world what you have seen. I invite everyone for a very important topic that will permeate our future as well engage in moral warfare with those we call our own. We will always push for a peaceful retraction of such systems but, we know how much these people love blood and wars so, expect them to come and they will learn who we are. Expect us.
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