You Are Immune Against Every Disease

2 years ago

Congenital immunity a person who has genetic immunity can carry HUMAN immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or harmful genetic mutations without developing disease. Identifying and studying these "immune individuals" might lead to new treatments. However, there are not many of them.
Your co-workers, neighbors, even yourself... It is possible that each of us is an "immune" hidden in the crowd -- that is, with an unusual genotype that protects against a disease that almost everyone else cannot.
In the case of AIDS, some people (less than one percent of the world's population) are immune to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) even if they contract it. Because their bodies are naturally immune to the virus.
Similar "immunity" seems to exist for other diseases, whether infectious, genetic or otherwise.
Time will tell if this strategy will lead to new treatments, although it has already broadened people's horizons by making them think more positively about health. "Understand that human biology is the study not only of what we are not good at, but what we are strong at." "Concludes Carrie Stephenson. And that strength comes from a few superheroes in the human race -- our immunes.

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