Demonic influence has taken over the streets of LA, not just LA, but the entire world!!!😲😲😲

2 years ago

Our society, freedoms, family, morals, and values are under serious demonic spiritual attack!

Especially more now since CERN, a underground elite scientific facility, located in the heart Switzerland.

Is tapping into "Dark Matter", and is in the process of opening the doors of hell, if they haven't done so already!

Deaths, murders, suicides, decapitations, violent crimes, mass shootings, family turning against each other, elder abuse, child abuse, domestic abuse, family homes broken, mental illness, etc.

Have all skyrocketed in breaking numbers, all around the world!!!

This world is under a heavy sinister demonic control, and influence, as never seen before since the days of Noah.

As prophesized by Jesus over 2,000 years ago for the end of times.

History once again has repeated itself, and is why we have entered, living in the days of Noah.

If by now, you can't see what is happening all around you.

You are spiritually blind, stubborn, and closed minded to the Truth!

To your own beholding reality, or what you consider to be reality.

Hopefully you can wake up soon, because your time to seek Jesus before his return, is simply running out!

For many are called by Jesus all day long, but few answer the call of Jesus.

Even fewer find true undisputed salvation through Jesus Christ!

Those are the numbers, and those are the facts of life unfortunately.

And is why the road to Jesus is a small narrow unpaved dirt road, that few even consider to walk.

But it does guarantee Salvation, and escape from this hellhole planet you call earth.

And is why most people choose the nice wide paved freeway of Satan, the easy road, that unfortunately leads straight to your damnation.

The demonic evil spiritual realm knows, they are running out of time fast!

The supernatural war to claim spirits between good and evil has begun.

It is happening now, and has reached it's intensity climax for the end times.

Soon after that is complete, then the Great Spiritual War can finally begin.....

Between Yaltaboath/Samuel, aka Yahweh/Satan and his Demon Armies.

Against Pistis/Faith, aka The Real True Father of Heaven, and His Angelic Armies.

Remember the rider of the white horse in The Book of Revelation, His name is "TRUE & FAITHFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With Jesus and I by our Fathers side, to finally claim victory over all spiritual demonic evil, once and for all !!!

If you, or someone you know is suffering from demonic oppression, influence, or spiritual attacks.

You are not alone, I am here to help you with all your spiritual demonic issues you may have.

If your in need of my help! Message me today for your "FREE" one time consultation....

You don't have to live in fear anymore, only if you choose too......

Archangel Michael
"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."

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