Herbert Frank The House of the heads of the Dune Clans 2of2

2 years ago

In Dune, Frank Herbert managed to accomplish the impossible - to create a kind of "chronicle of the distant future." And there has never been a brighter, more visible, more powerful and original picture of the future in the entire history of world fiction. The Dune cycle was and remains a unique phenomenon - the most grandiose, the most daring, the most ambitious creation in the history of world fiction.
This saga, in which various aspects of politics, economics, sociology, psychoanalysis, religious studies, ecology and, of course, philosophy are intertwined, has received well-deserved recognition: the love of tens of millions of readers and many of the most prestigious literary prizes in the world. Deadly hatred and fanatical devotion, blind faith and the power of reason, science and mysticism, cruelty and self-sacrifice - everything is reflected in this book.The events take place in the distant future, 24 millennia after the moment when you are reading these lines, in a quasi-feudal multigalactic Empire.10 thousand years have passed since the Butlerian Jihad, a terrible war in which humanity managed to overthrow the yoke of machine intelligence. Computers are strictly forbidden. The foundation of the Empire's existence is the Great Convention governing relations between the Emperor, the Lansraad (the universal parliament consisting of representatives of the Great Houses) and the Space Guild, which has a monopoly on interplanetary transportation.

Anglo-American fiction of the 20th century

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