Schumann Resonance An Advanced Technology Emits Extrememly Low Frequency

4 years ago

Schumann Resonance - An Advanced Technology Emits Extrememly Low Frequency

I think you will love this video and hope that you will find the information as fascinating as I do.

Friends, I apologize that this didn’t come out right away the next morning, but I’m learning how to talk about these topics, how to explain these concepts clearly without rambling. Having thought about these concepts for so long, actually talking about it comes slower. Thank you for your understanding as I learn to get better at communicating, and communicating hopefully more quickly over time, about these fascinating topics! xo Susan

Links mentioned in this video -

Gratitude thank you's -

For helping me with the key concept of Devotion -
Andrea Scully - Notes from the Center of the Spiral and Gaia Scenics View

Calling All Masters of Human Divinity to Come Forth!
and -
Archangel Michael is my Friend and Workmate

For your intuitve insights and understanding of the biological imperative - Alex Clark - Gaia Scenics View -
Series on The Biological Imperative:

For an understanding of the undoing of the spells of the Cabal - Laura Walker
The Oracle Report -
And an indepth discussion on the topic, here - Triangulating Pluto (and the 33) audio recording at the top left of the home page

For more - Schumann Resonance Videos mentioned in this video -

Unusual technologic image in the Schumann Resonance - I felt it was a transmission from an advanced technology targeting the energetic emitting a viral genetic sequence into the Schumann Resonance that showed on charting.

Schumann Resonance - Shield of the Warrior

Explanation of the causes of No Data on Schumann Resonance charting - Three Reasons

Schumann Resonance No Data What Does it Mean?

No data due to Schumann Resonance Amplitude on Charts is at Zero -

Schumann Resonance - A Reset is Revealed - November 26 2019

My View that Schumann Images Reflect Human Consciousness -

Human Effects on the Schumann Resonance

An Introduction for Beginners -
Schumann Resonance - What is the Heck is the Schumann Resonance?

Discussion of the Tic Tac Advanced Technology and the Schumann Resonance -

Schumann Resonance Did the Tic Tac Technology Just Show Up in Schumann Chart Images?

A perfect image of a genetic sequence appeared in the Schumann Resonance on January 10, 2020 -
Schumann Resonance: Genetic Karyotype (of the Virus) Appears

… and then it reappears, each time it is countered and cannot hold -

Schumann Resonance - Genetic Karyotype Reasserts, Mind Control Offered

How Directed Energy Pings Resonant Particles in the Human Energy Field -
Gentle Transmission of Frequency Because of the Presence of Children -

Schumann Resonance - Light Beam, Blue Space, the Children, AI Matrix, Quantum Energy

In quantum physics both opposites are true

Schumann Resonance - The Cross, Sacred Geometry, Connection with God, Venus, Value, the Warrior

Data Source: Space Observing System, Tomsk, Ru.

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Video audio and typed notes © 2020 Susan Inspired. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this video on other blogs and websites as long as the author’s credit and live link back to this channel and/or my blog are included.

Thank you for sharing!

Schumann, Schumann Resonance, Schumann Resonances, Frequency, Quantum Physics, Energy Dynamics, Schumann Resonance Energy, Schumann Resonance Healing, Schumann Resonance Today, Schumann Frequency

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