Ice Cream Man - Music Video - "Motion" 3D Storyboards

4 years ago

The future music video will be shot live action, on a live set, and with actors.

Storyboards to music, for the future music video for the theme song "The Ice Cream Man". The music video is being created to be a "spoiler free" companion piece to the feature length screenplay, and future film, "Ice Cream Man".

This video is an experiment to determine how well, the creative for the video, matches up with the song itself. Will these visual gags compliment the lyrics in the song, or will they distract and confuse? I'm looking for feedback on how well they work together, or don't.

So far, I've only storyboarded shots for the intro to the video, and the beginning of the song.

The shots were composed using the 3D software "Frameforge Previz". 3D models used, either came with "Frameforge Previz", or were downloaded and imported from "Google 3D Warehouse" and were altered using "SketchUp". Texture maps and images were procured from various sources.

Storyboard panels created by, and edited by Chris Griffin.

Learn more about the feature film in development at

Learn more about the theme song at

The Theme Song:

Lyrics Written and Performed by Wordburglar -

Beat Written and Produced by Coins -

Intro Music:

The ice cream truck jingle, at the beginning of the video, was adapted by Janal Bechthold, based on the classic tune "The Entertainer" by "Scott Joplin" . She originally adapted this song for ICM's "vfx Demo". You can check out Janal's amazing music at

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