THE WW1 Suddenly Stopped on the Masonic 11/11 Date, WW3 Is What Masons Call The NEW DAWN

2 years ago

Corbett does not inform the viewers that all the officers on both sides of the wars are Freemason sheepdogs following Cult dictates from the top of the secret pyramid of controls.

The real reason for World War one was Masonic... to officially begin the development of world governance by the end of three staged world wars... with an A.i.supercomputer called "Lucifer" at the top of the pyramid. This is the symbolism of the pyramidal eye radiating it's instructions on the back of the US debt-dollar note.

The "New Dawn" on April 1st, 2020, was where the Church of Initiates gave their immaculate child, "Lucifer-Becoming" control of the semantic-interactive-war-model. This supercomputer monitors all the sheeple that it can through their cell-phones before everyone on the planet is willingly or covertly brainchipped for thought-monitoring. Anyone who is not brainchipped will not be given government foods. Wildlife hunting, fisheries, farmland growing, even private gardening will not be allowed and destroyed by gangstalkers, brainchipzombies, satallite "star-wars" weapons as the New-Altantean/ Freemasons remain in political power, changing freedom laws into techno-feudal Nazi-like laws. They will claim it is all legal to murder while they backstab all the profane, non-Cult-sworn people with trickery and lies and secret genocide. You can see this starting already while protestor protest without making plans to remove the corruption out of politics, police and education. Protestor need to become more organized to remove hivemind freemasonic secret-brainchip communications with their A.i. fake-god for instructions to do their next sabotage of the Old World Order.

Albert Pike was a frontman for Homo capensis... he did not actually write "Morals and Dogma" which was used to change Freemasonry into an even more hard-core Cult of deception upon their recruited like the Demolay-teenagers.
In a letter, Pike described the three world-war strategy to bring in their worshipfull "Lucifer" fake-god at the helm.

Who are these Homo capensis?
They are a different species from Homo sapiens, obviously.
They were the rulers of the Proto-Saturnic Solar-System before the Velikovsky "Worlds in Collision"...
Hidden from the education system for a more effective "Sheep-Slaughter" by the genocidal-freemason-Nazis,

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