How Did America Fall Apart?

4 years ago

After watching a video of a young punk (YMDRP) mocking and mimicking a 70 year old man for trying to give him some advice about how to not be such a whining simp, pussy, I read the comment section...
There his lonely, heartbroken partners in whine joined in on how the "old man didn't get it...." and how they had it all figured out in "2020," even though they're still putting Flintstone bandaides on their fragile nut sacks. In unison, they blasted "that generation" for ruining THEIR lives. Just like women in the modern feminist movement. Striking!

HERE is the TRUTH about how we got here..... It's not our parents, grandparents, or the woman who broke your fragile little hearts' fault. It's much bigger than that. We were warned 55 years ago, but "WE" didn't want to listen.....because it didnt' FEEL GOOD!

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