Aldous Huxley is one of many who predicted what was to come in America

2 years ago

Many have known and predicted todays reality some are just to ignorant to care. Aldous Huxley is one of many who predicted what was to come in America. Some of us will continue to risk it all because we know what Is at stake.

I can't help but stress this, Freedom as we knew it is fading fast! It's time to push back. More people need to snap out of the trance and get out if their comfort zones. This is the reality, it is no longer a prediction. As we move closer to another "potential" Great depressions, take note of their underground tunnels that lead to the cities, yes they exist. Print out a map just in case. They will need to be cut off there before it hits the fan! If they can't seek cover they can't release hell on earth. God bless🙏🇺🇲

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