Divine Feminine Heals Daddy Issues of Rejection and Injustice

4 years ago

I'm an intuitive reader working on the soul, energetic, shamanic, and elementals levels. The reading offers a way of becoming active in gaining consciousness on what is blocking you in your relationships starting with the wounded Inner Child. I offer guided meditations, visualisation, and affirmations based on each readings. So many reader are also saying turn the focus on yourself, so here it is. If you're interested in privates readings, personalized guided meditions and energetic medicine sessions, contact me @ mistifae@gmail.com.

Today's reading is on healing Daddy Issues or the unresolved electra complex ." That is why we can find ourselves attracting men into our lives that in one way or another, for better or worse, resemble our Dads. Divine Masculines are of course concerned since many of you are Dads, and you can better support your DF's and DF daughters. Here's the meditation link: https://youtu.be/RVZqOHM1G3U

Just a note: the shamanic practices linked to the major arcana Sun, for the father energies, was the eagle card which is also the eagle direction. The practice is NO MIND-break free of your monkey mind and get in touch with the sage within Spirit God. Create a white canvas and dream onto it a world of beauty and grace. For the Daughter it was the Judgement, which was the rainbow linked to Jaguar direction of the West. The Practice is CERTAINTY: have unwaivering commitment to the path you've chosen, let go of worries and doubts, fulfill your dreams-have no other option but success. When you watch the reading, all that ties in beautifully.

This explains where I'm coming from in my approach to readings and the meditations.
Possibility 1 : I AM Spirit/Source in a Physical body, I AM YOU, YOU ARE ME, WE ALL ARE ONE being experiencing multiple infinite perspectives. The Union we seek in and through another is ultimately our union with Spirit Source Creator, the Divinity within.

Possibility 2: You can never change another person, only yourself and your perspective.

Possibility 3: Separation is an illusion and manifests as self and other abuse in the 5 core soul wounds of: Abandonment, Rejection, Betrayal, Humiliation and Injustice. Once alchemized with consciousness Abandonment becomes loving/respectful ATTENTION; rejection becomes BELONGING-SELF WORTH; Betrayal becomes CONFIDENCE/TRUST; humiliation becomes-FREEDOM; injustice becomes EQUALITY/ EQUANIMITY. These wounds and suffering come from misaligning and overidentifying solely with the primary tool in physical incarnation, the Ego.
Possibilty 4: The soul speaks in images, symbols, and archetypes via our imagination, inspiration, and intuition. It is an eternal, multidimensional time traveller. Each physical embodiment, the soul works closely with a BODY ELEMENTAL who is essentially the “manager” of our body’s internal systems, the etheric life force body our energetic centers/ chakra system, genetics and lineage, the DNA. The B.E. is “headquarters in the body is the sacral chakra and also what encodes the cells with all our past lives memories, and just plays them out until “reprogrammed”. In terms of this life, the Inner Child becomes the BE’s “mediator” between the conscious self and unconscious. The Inner Child is therefore an aspect of the BE. The BE and INNER CHILD are better known as the UNCONSCIOUS.

Possibility 5: Universal inclusivity. From a greater perspective we're all soulmates. In reality there is only YOU to heal, the wounds of the others are yours as well. That is the “collective”. Heal them in your (s) elf, the collective is healed. As twin souls, you’ve experienced all kinds of relationships: parent/child, siblings, colleagues, friends. Likewise, you can view the reading as an inner process because regardless of you sex, we all have masculine and feminie.

Possibility 6 : Just as Emotions are energy in movement, so becoming active in the healing process is essential. It is essential to become ACTIVE in your journey, and work on yourself. Incorporate the wisdom: love in action.

Here are the cards I use and other resources:The Inner Child Cards – Shimara Kumura. She has floral essences that go with the cards, check them out if healing with essences speaks to you: https://www.spiritoftransformation.com/innerchildessences.htm
The Akasha Tarot by Sharon Anne Klinger and Sandra Anne Taylor/Fairy Tarot Cards Radleigh Valentine/Jungian Tarot Deck by Robert Wang
Mystical Oracle Deck and Guidebook by Villado, Baron Reid, and Lobos.
The Universe has got your back by Gabrielle Bernstein.
Unicorn Cards Diana Cooper.
Findhorn Flower Attunement Cards by Findhorn Flower Essences. Findhornessences.com. Findhorn is a community in Moray Scotland that has consciously worked with the elemental kingdom from the early 70’s I believe. They also have floral essences, check them out.
For more info on Body Elementals see Tanis Helliwell’s word. Steve Noble has a great BE guided meditation.

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