( -0379 ) They Supposedly Want To Engineer 'Fitness & Diversity' But Oops, They "Don't Know The Long Term Side Effects."

2 years ago

Who would be so presumptuous as to seek to impose jumpstarting some unknown, untested change on their own race (or the ecosystem itself - they still have no precautionary science)? Notice how they don't say "maintaining fitness and diversity. Hmm. Fitness must mean fitness to work the assignments they give, and Diversity probably means they want an assortment for their playground. They think our Mass Cognitive Dissonance will allow them to race their Agendas through. Little do they know.... Because Cognitive Dissonance is pretty good at stopping action & maintaining chaotic unrest, but IT IS NOT very good at motivating causative behaviors that can secure their prize.


Accidental mishmash - boring I know. But just capturing our strange moment in time in which one side plays off the other, while the "rulemakers" frown upon calling attention to their purposeful incitements of chaos.

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