Rent prices rising but home prices rising faster? Jaro Spiders attack? .... It's a Realtystream!

2 years ago

#Livestream #Realtystream #realestate

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First off: a welcome it’s great to be able to be with you today

10th consecutive livestream

“The single most important decision you make is where you live.

It drives your business opportunities, relationships, food and water supply, politics, activities, and day-to-day quality of life.” Naval

What is beating me in livestreaming right now?

I didn’t get the divorce listing….and I didn’t want it, but it still hurts a lot.

I hoard information….it causes my inbox to be full

Listing agents are being lazy by not allowing me to show their properties…seriously..taking the first offer and shutting everything down is sad.

Google Trends has us learning about Jaro Spiders

We will look at luxury homes in Lubbock, Texas

A. Rents are rising, but slower than home purchase prices?


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