Secret hoarder looking for storage tips, single family rent triples? .... It's a Realtystream!

2 years ago

#Livestream #Realtystream #realestate

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First off: a welcome it’s great to be able to be with you today

#16th consecutive livestream

“The single most important decision you make is where you live.

It drives your business opportunities, relationships, food and water supply, politics, activities, and day-to-day quality of life.” Naval

Scraping some ice

George Szamuely fascinating to watch that go through

Random charges on my paypal for apps I don’t use…

Saturday livestream isn’t going to be at 9…not sure if I’m going to be able to do one at all….but if I can, it will be early evening, I think.

What is beating me in livestreaming right now?

Google Trends has us learning about well, look, it’s not always going to be a winner….I’ll show you what I have to work with.

We will look at luxury homes in Newark, New Jersey

A. Secret hoarder looks at a painful article to organize garage
B. Single family rent growth triples? That doesn’t seem like a good thing


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