为信仰生活划定界限不是委身(WarningThePeople) A Compartmentalized Faith isn’t Commitment

2 years ago

SOURCE https://youtu.be/BmxKTxjOwHo

2022年7月13日 BY WarningThePeople

早期的门徒相信耶稣,他们知道这就意味着,他们的”自我“要死去,他们离开了他们的工作场所去跟随耶稣,他们是 "社会自杀(social suicide)"了。 他们再也不一样了,大多数门徒都为了他们对耶稣基督的信仰而死。 他们不是兼职的基督徒,不是每周去两天教会的人,也不是每周读一次圣经的人,而是单单为福音献出了他们的整个生命! 今天,我们有一些基督徒认为他们可以把信仰(和自己的私生活)分割开来。 他们可以有自己的工作生活、职业生活、有自己的家庭生活、夜生活,然后他们可以划出一块时间过 "基督徒生活 "。

对他们来说,耶稣只是他们生活的一部分,他们把他放在一个角落里。 实际上,这是不可能的。 如果你真正跟随耶稣基督,你必须每天否定自己,背起你的十字架并跟随他,你要把你的旧生命(生活)置于死地,让耶稣成为你生命的全部;耶稣要求我们全心、全意、全力地爱主我们的上帝,而不是划出(一部分心意)。 耶稣真的是你的生命吗? 还是,他是你的宗教? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

A Compartmentalized Faith isn’t Commitment

The early disciples who put their faith in Jesus knew that it meant dying to themselves, the left their workplace to follow Jesus and they committed “social suicide”. They were never the same again and most ALL of the disciples DIED FOR THEIR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. They were not part time Christians, 2 day a week church-goers, there were not just 1 day a week bible readers, but they designated their ENTIRE lives for the gospel! Today we have Christians who think that they can compartmentalize their faith. They can have their work life, their career life, they can have their home life, they can have their night life and then they can have their “Christian life” on the side. To them, Jesus is just another compartment of their life that they keep in a corner. In reality there is no such thing. If you follow Jesus Christ for real you have to daily deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him, you put to DEATH YOUR OLD LIFE. Jesus becomes your ENTIRE life; we are called to love the Lord our GOD with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength, NOT one compartment of it. Is Jesus really your life? Or is He your religion? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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