Prophecy Update - July 2022 "Things Are Revving Up" - Brett Meador

2 years ago

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Do you ever feel like wickedness and absurdity have rapidly ramped up over the last few years? As it turns out, the Bible actually says this will happen in the Last Days. In our monthly Prophecy Update, we look at current events from around the world that have been accelerating recently and learn how we should respond as we watch these things happen around us.
#brettmeador #ProphecyUpdate #endtimes

Welcome to Athey Creek Christian Fellowship, based in West Linn, Oregon! Join us in-person or online as we work our way through the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book. We like to keep things simple by focusing on God's Word and its application to our daily lives. Whether it's through weekly teachings, monthly Prophecy Updates, or a host of other resources and events, we are passionate about sharing Biblical truth.

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