Authortube Newbie Tag 2020

4 years ago

My first AuthorTube tag to introduce myself to the community of writers putting videos on youtube.

JennaTheDarkOne's original video:

Natalia Leigh's Channel:

Rachael Stephen's Channel:

Trynda E. Adair's channel

Subscribe to my channel!

Authortube Newbie Tag
1 How did you find out about AuthorTube?
2 What genres do you write in?
3 What is your preferred writing tense, point of view, and category of story? (Children’s, YA, NA, Adult, etc.)
4 Are you a plotter, pantser, or plantser?
5 Are you a self-published, published, or yet-to-be published?
6 What publishing company, literary agent, and/or printing company are you represented by or use? If you’re not yet published, what is your dream publishing house and/or literary agent? 7 What AuthorTube related videos can we expect to find on your channel?
8 When did you start writing?
9 What was the first story you ever wrote?
10 What authors have inspired your writing the most?
11 Do you schedule your writing sessions or simply get to writing whenever you can find the time?
12 Do you type on a computer, typewriter, write everything out by hand, or use a blend of those? And where do you write in general?
13 What are you most looking forward to now that you’re a part of AuthorTube?

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