FED Chair Explains How He Flooded The System By Printing Money Causing The Inflation We See Today

2 years ago

Jerome Powell The FED Chair Explained How He Flooded The System By Printing Money Causing The Inflation That We See Today

CBS Pelley: Fair To Say You Simply Flooded The System With Money?

Powell: Yes. We Did. That's Another Way To Think About It. We Did.

CBS Pelley: Where Does It Come From? Do You Just Print It?

Powell: We Print It Digitally. So As A Central Bank, We Have The Ability To Create Money Digitally. And We Do That By Buying Treasury Bills Or Bonds For Other Government-guaranteed Securities. And That Actually Increases The Money Supply. We Also Print Actual Currency And We Distribute That Through The Federal Reserve Banks.

Date Aired: May 13, 2020, From 60 Minutes

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