ANOTHER Foreign President Publicly Embarrasses Biden?

2 years ago

The humanitarian crisis at our southern border with Mexico continues to spiral out of control like we’ve never seen before. Yet rather than showing strong leadership, President Biden just appeared extremely weak and incompetent in his meeting with the President of Mexico.

Sadly we seem to be using the word weak quite a bit about our current President both in foreign policy and domestic policy. Rather than tackling serious issues and offering feasible solutions, he throws his hands in the air and says “Well it’s Putin’s fault” or “This was Trump, not me.”

During their meeting, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador essentially lectured President Biden in front of the entire world:

"I know that your adversaries, the conservatives, are going to be screaming all over the place . . . But without a daring, bold program of development and well-being, it will not be possible to solve problems . . . it will not be possible to get the people’s support.

In the face of this crisis, the way out is not through conservatism, the way out is through transformation. We have to be bold in our actions.""

It doesn’t take much reading between the lines to see that what President Obrador was saying is that President Biden lacks what he considers effective leadership skills, so why should he work with him? And Obrador himself is widely recognized as a Leftist leader. There are many who have drawn closer comparisons of the Mexican president to Bernie Sanders than to President Joe Biden.

On the one hand, we agree that bold measures are needed. Nobody wants the status quo anymore. It’s not working. We’ve got record numbers of illegal migrants streaming across our border at a time when we cannot absorb them. Our resources can’t sustain those numbers. Look how expensive gas and food are now. But we have an uphill battle against an Administration that’s not willing to put common sense security measures into effect. They actually blame and punish our border patrol agents. They demonize Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

And as my dad, ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow pointed out, when anyone on the extreme Left says they want transformation, it’s not the kind we necessarily want:

"When they say transformative, I get very nervous. When you’ve got a Leftist president of Mexico and they’re saying transformative, that’s like AOC saying transformative. So where does that go? What does transformative mean? Open borders, let people in, and just wherever they go, they go? That’s transformative. Dangerous, but transformative. So I think we need to be cognizant of exactly what they’re dealing with."

He is the same Mexican president who recently urged Americans of Mexican origin to vote against candidates from what he called “a party that mistreats immigrants and Mexicans.”

And this is not the first time that President Obrador has shown contempt for President Biden. He opted to skip the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles last month, due to President Biden’s guestlist, despite it being the first time the meeting was held in the U.S. in years.

But just as we told you yesterday, these insane gas prices are intentional, and so is the inaction at the border. The Left wants illegal migrants to come so they can give them citizenship and flip them into voters. That’s how desperate they are. That’s how you know the Left is currently in crisis. And until they can convert these poor migrants into voters, their lives have no value anyway. That’s the sickest part. What does it matter if some don’t make it? Yes 53 innocent souls just perished in the back of a hot truck, and young women and children are being trafficked by evil opportunists, but the Left is willing to let them take those risks. It’s all part of a bigger plan.

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