Chicken Coop From Recycled Materials

2 years ago

Phil walks you through how we built several chicken coops from almost all recycled materials. We give you some ideas of where you can locate the material.

You can call fencing companies, check Craig's List, Facebook market place or any other type of classified site and find these deals.

The coop actually has 2 areas that are built from fencing sections. Once we have the other videos complete I'll update this with links to them.

00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:25 Fencing material we picked up for free
01:15 Find a fencing company, offer to haul it off for them
01:30 Make sure to haul everything, treat the people right
01:50 Inside the chicken coop, one of them
02:10 He decided to build it out of recycled items to help all of us
02:30 Extra metal roofing we pieced together for the roof
03:00 Even the nests and some of the feeders we bought second hand found on Facebook market place
03:10 The outside of the coop
03:35 I painted it with an electric sprayer got on sale at Harbor Freight
03:55 He used sections to build this barn/coop
04:20 How he did the sides of the coops
04:40 False front we added to make the barn look cool
05:10 The cost for you, other than the labor
05:55 We'll have videos added later to show you how you can do this too.
06:20 Be an American, not an American't

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