God Father

3 years ago

The Father speaks to his Sons message https://www.dioepadre.org/msg/msg_inglese.pdf

image http://rivelazionicristiane.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/dio-padre.jpg

message in: Italian, Spanish, English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Dutch, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech, Albanian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian, Amharic, Chinese, Korean, Tamil, Gujarati, Marathi, Arabic, Tagalog, Thai and igbo https://www.dioepadre.org/en/download-message-god-the -padre

Tania Kassis - Islamo-Christian AVE (live at l'Olympia) | Tania Kassis - Christian Islamic Prayer

Chant of the Mystics: Divine Gregorian Chant "Kyrie eleison (orbis factor)" - 2 hour Version

I tell you, brothers and sisters, that this clash of light and darkness is already taking place in the universe, but it must reach a climax on earth; It will not be just a clash but a real battle of souls in both heaven and earth.
28 September 2020 – Vigil of the solemnity of the seven great Archangels The Church of the Universe will descend on Earth

I am delighted to be here among you to tell you that I love you. Today, in you, among you and through you My promises are fulfilling: the promises I made to your Fathers of a new, redeemed humanity; the promises of the prophets. Finally, the hope of many saints, who have lived among you, has received a voice.
4 August 2019 Message of God the Father I AM HERE, I AM YOUR FATHER

Know, once and for all, that evil does not come from God but from Lucifer’s action in which a large part of the humanity indifferent and rebellious to God is involved, knowingly or not, by serving the devil out of selfishness or for personal gain. Therefore, this pandemic carries the signature of Lucifer, of his followers on Earth and other rebellious planets of the low Universe, who have actively taken part in the spreading of the coronavirus that afflicts and conditions your life.
21 November 2020 Vigil of the Solemnity of Christ the King Message of Jesus – Be Ready for the Battle

2021 will indeed be a particular year for the Earth and for the “Church of Jesus Christ of the Universe”, which is present on this planet; it will be a turning point for the whole Universe. It means the beginning of a new time, a MESSIANIC TIME. Thus, a new era of human history will begin;
7 December 2020 Vigil of the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Message of Mary Most Holy – The Messianic Time

The number and the power of the people of God has grown in number and power thanks to the universal communion which unites all the members of the Church that are present on every planet. The people of Lucifer has also grown in the whole Low Universe. The situation on Earth is particularly serious; there, the coldness of many Christians has opened the doors to an increasingly invasive action of the devil and his followers
24 December 2020 – Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord Message of Jesus – The Soul-Spouses

Today I will place My dwelling among you to begin with you an intensive path of evangelisation, conversion and healing of the Earth. It is up to you, children of this humanity, to evangelise your planet. The evangelisation always brings with it conversion and healing of both individuals and entire peoples.
5 January 2021 – Vigil of the Epiphany of the Lord Message of Jesus – In My Name You Will Win

My dear Children, you have decided to renew your solemn consecration to the Most Holy Trinity this year. This is a fundamental event for the whole humanity of the Universe, and it is what I have expected of you as a sign of your faithfulness. Therefore, from your consecration onwards, Jesus will be among you, and a completely new phase of your path will begin.
16 January 2021 Message of God the Father – The Times to Come
Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Jesus Is Here Among You
21 February 2021
18 March 2021 Message of St. Joseph – Vigil of the Solemnity of St. Joseph

the messages of 2021 continue : https://towardsthenewcreation.com/

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