Is Africa splitting? Large Crack in Kenya and Ethiopia!

2 years ago

Is Africa splitting? Who would have known? There is a large crack in Kenya! I was beside myself to find out and actually see the large crack in Kenya, Narok County, Africa. This is this week's nature story.

Nature is one of the most important topics. Nature supports us as far as eating, and breathing, basically, if nature didn't exist, neither would we. I accidentally ran across this story and became so intrigued, that I couldn't resist compiling a video on the topic. This is my nature topic for the week.

My jaw dropped when I saw the 50-foot hole 65 feet wide. They say this is located in the Great Rift Valley. What they believe will happen is the Somali plate will separate from the Nubian plate. A term I saw often was, "Tectonic Rift". There is even a 35-mile-long crack in the Ethiopian desert. Wow, a crack in Ethiopia too.

One theory the geologists' state is, is due to a superplume and some say superplume. In some articles, I see it referred to as a mantle plume.

While researching, this event occurs near tectonic plates or sometimes not. The one term that did pop up is linear volcanism as a factor in some cases. If you look at the map of Africa with its volcanoes, you'll see many African Volcanoes in a linear fashion between Ethiopia and Kenya. The split is to eventually go through Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania one day. They believe it may take a million years for the crack to form. Once that happens, the landmass that will break off will form an island and will drift to the sea. There are images in the video to show what the outcome could be.

There are some well-known volcanoes that may be in the path of the split, despite close to 80 volcanoes between Ethiopia and Tanzania. It would just depend on where the split will continue to form as to whether the volcanic chain will be affected. Keep in mind that there are quite a few extinct volcanoes not counted in the above figure.

This was a quick study on my part, yet there are a few links below that can assist you with research if you'd like to dig deeper. There is also a great deal of information on the topic and more details may be revealed to you during your search.

The following volcanoes are erupting or under warning:
(Kenya News)
(Ethiopia News)

Nyiragongo Stratovolcano - Erupting
Nyamuragira Shield Volcano - Eruption Warning
Erta Ale Shield Volcano - Erupting
Ol Doinyo Lengai Stratovolcano - Eruption Warning
Mayotte Island Shield Volcano - Volcanic Unrest (earthquake swarms)
Africa news and volcano report

Nyiragongo erupting is something that has been ongoing for some time now. I never see coverage on it though. Erta Ale is erupting as well, yet I never see any coverage on it either. Nyamuragira erupting has taken place for a while also. There is never any coverage on it either. The only time I've ever seen coverage of an African volcano is when it has devastated a nearby town.

After looking at the situation in Africa's land mass, we further looked into the stages of the splitting of Pangaea to Laurasia and Gondwanaland to our current date land mass of the earth. This concept was hypothesized by Alfred Wegener, the originator of the scientific theory of continental drift.

Last but not least, we did see how countries around the world could fit in Africa. Africa is by far the largest land mass in the entire world.

I'd like to thank Lisa Cabrera for being a guiding light on the proper way to cover news events. You have been a great teacher and thanks for showing us how to be able to present information in accordance with 17 U.S. Code § 107.


The African continent is very slowly peeling apart. Scientists say a new ocean is being born.

Wikipedia Image of Pangea to current landmass today:


The Breakup Of Pangea Over Time

True Size of Africa:

The African continent is very slowly peeling apart. Scientists say a new ocean is being born.

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A Gigantic Crack Appears To Split Africa In Half Leaving a Massive 50 foot Hole In The Ground

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