The Top 3 Excuses that Prevent Christian Leaders ✝️ from Writing their Book 📖

2 years ago

The Top 3 Excuses that Prevent Christian Leaders ✝️ from Writing their Book 📖

To Watch the FREE Webinar Titled: Has God Called YOU to WRITE a book? 10 Telltale Signs that you should, Click Here:

To Enroll in the Masterclass "How to Write a Nonfiction Christian Book", Click Here:

Hi Sebastien Richrd here. I am an author and Bible teacher. I'm also a writing coach.

As a Christian writing coach, there are three major excuses I hear from those who procrastinate on writing their book.

So, Today, we’re gonna look at these excuses, debunk them, and I will also provide simple solutions along the way.

It was Les Brown who said, “People have one of two things: Results, or excuses.”

So, what do you have, results? Or Excuses?

So, here are the main excuses I always get…

1. I Don’t Have Time. Correction… You Don’t take the time.

Writing requires discipline and sacrifice. When there’s a will, there’s a way. You don’t have the time to write a book, you take the time to write it. This means you’ll have to sacrifice time in other spheres. You might sacrifice some golf time, or some TV time, some friends time, or even some family time. The point is… you have to be willing to set time apart to get the work done.

Some people write everyday, between 30 minutes and a few hours.

Others set a weekly time block. I know an author who had a full-time job who got up every Saturday at 6am, and wrote until noon… every week.

I wrote my first and second books while I had a full-time job and was a dad to two young children. On summer weekends, I remember my wife would take the kids to the beach while I stayed behind to work on my book.

2. I Don’t Know What to Write… Writing a book is fairly simple. It is much simpler than it may feel in your mind. Many struggle with a sense of overwhelm when it comes to writing their book because they see it as some high mountain, like Everest.

But you know what… if you have a vision for the book, it almost writes itself. And most people’s problems do not have to do with overwhelm, but with lack of vision. You have to see the book to write it. You have to have a vision for it.

Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Then the LORD replied: “Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”

“Write the vision down on a tablet.” God didn’t tell Habakkuk to write A vision on a tablet, He told Him to write THE vision He would show him – there was great clarity there.

There is a tremendous difference between feeling called to write A book, and being shown to write THE book. When you have clarity, The vision will pull you, and the book will almost write itself. You see, there is a difference between writing A VISION and THE Vision, between writing a BOOK and Writing THE BOOK.

No vision? No clarity? No problem. The first thing you need to figure out is if God has indeed called you to write a book.

Now, if you don’t have clarity, I’m here to help. I created a terrific FREE webinar titled: Has God Called YOU to WRITE a book? 10 Telltale Signs that you should.

I will post the link in the comments. This webinar will surely help you to get more clarity on your author’s journey.

Trust me, when God wants us to write a book, He shows us what book to write.

3. I don’t know how to navigate the process–the how-to.

There is, of course, a process involved to writing a book. However, much of this process is to be tackled more towards the end than at the beginning of writing your book.

I’m talking about the editing, the structuring, the cover and interior design, and all that good technical stuff…

Sure you’ll have to familiarize yourself with it, because it’s all part of the process. But, it’s mostly towards the end of the actual writing of the manuscript. So, you shouldn’t stress over this as you begin “writing down the vision”.

In other words, most people use this stuff as an excuse, when in fact it doesn’t stand at all in the way of writing their first 50 or 100 pages. In fact, you could even finish writing the meat of the book before you need to tackle any of that stuff!

And guess what? When I created my one-of-a-kind book writing course titled: How to Write a Nonfiction Christian Book, I did it to address all of that process and its intricacies. I also put the link to the How to Write a Nonfiction Christian Book Course below in the comments and description.

So, go check out the link I provided. Follow the FREE webinar, and ask God to show you if this is a course that’s for you.

I would love to coach you, and help you to get THE book God asked you to write out in the marketplace!

Now, I know you can do this. But it won’t get done unless you know you can do this… and I can help you with the process.

Click the links above to watch the FREE Webinar and get started today!

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