Daren Mehl from Voice of the Voiceless Part 2: Amplifying and Protecting Ex-LGBT Voices

2 years ago

Here's my 2nd of two interviews with my friend and colleague, Daren Mehl, the president of Voice of the Voiceless (of which I am a board member), whose mission is to lift up the voices of ex-LGBT and honor Jesus Christ. And he's a minister with Agape First Ministries, which equips and supports the church and loved ones of sexuality strugglers, and disciples strugglers themselves. In this interview, we discuss the history of VoV and the work VoV has done, is currently doing, and his vision for the future. In particular, we discuss Daren's involvement in a lawsuit against President Biden and the legislators behind HR5, the so-called "Equality Act," showing how the bill would undermine the fabric of society and the church.

#DarenMehl #voiceofthevoiceless #equalityact #HR5 #AgapeFirst #changed #exlgbt #exgay #LGBTactivism

Interview 1, Daren's testimony: https://youtu.be/54uLULBXyqk

More about Daren (and topics discussed):
To financially support Daren's work, go to his ministry page at Agape First: https://www.agapefirstministries.org/darenmehl
To read more about Daren's story: https://darenmehlblog.com/
Check out the resources offered by Voice of the Voiceless: https://www.voiceofthevoiceless.info/
The presentation Daren and I did at the 2021 Association of Christians in Health & Human Services conference addressing the myths about "conversion therapy": https://youtu.be/P4pRzdoq2h8
The National Task Force for Therapy Equality: http://www.therapyequality.org/
My video about HR5, the so-called "Equality Act": https://youtu.be/9KDyyMPxSD8

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God bless!
-Andrew Rodriguez

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