ALTTP NMG tutorial - Gannon - EP 15

2 years ago

This video goes over the Gannon fight with both tempered silverless strats as well as gold sword and silver arrows.
This is a short video, but it encapsulates what many hours of practice looks like.

If you'd like to make suggestions, either leave a comment below or join my discord at​​

--- Shoutouts ---
Hacksaww - Helped me develop this guide. -​​
RabidBlueJay - Made the artwork for the Thumbnail. -

--- Text Guides ---
ALttP Speedrunning Wiki - I've used this a ton when developing the guide, it's not 100% complete, but it's great for supplemental reading if you want more info on the run -

I've been having issues getting on the alttp wiki so I've started collecting the information I can and putting it up on my discord.

--- Practice Hack ---
I highly recommend the practice hack to hone your skills. -

--- Live Streams ---
Streaming Live here on Youtube as well as Twitch.​

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