Jesus Paid for Our Healing (part 1)

2 years ago

"In my early days as a believer, my wife and daughter almost died. At that time, while I knew Jesus as my wonderful Savior, I did not know that He is our Healer too." - Georgian Banov

When Winnie was seven months pregnant with Yana, we traveled to Texas for a special conference. In the middle of the night in our hotel, she woke up in an enormous pool of blood, and we had to call for an ambulance.

It turns out that Yana’s umbilical cord never connected to the placenta; it attached to the uterine wall instead. Miraculously, thousands of tiny hair-like vessels grew and stretched between the placenta and the umbilical cord. This kept the baby fed with the nutrients and oxygen that her little body needed to grow and develop. These vessels were so fine that they never showed up on an ultrasound, and so no one was aware. Given the unique situation, both baby and mom started to bleed out when the doctors started to deliver Yana by Caesarean birth.

It took some doing, but they were able to stabilize Yana, who entered the world at just three and a half pounds. Winnie, on the other hand, was in extreme danger. She had already lost two and a half times the amount of blood that her body needed; they pumped blood into her as fast as they could.

I learned later that blood needs to be warmed before a transfusion because it is kept in the refrigerator. Because Winnie had already received multiple rapid transfusions, blood was being pumped into her cold because there was no time to warm it. Her body started to react. Winnie’s organs were shutting down.

I was in the hospital with a pastor friend. We were crying and praying when suddenly, we each heard the Lord at the same time: Stop whining and take authority over the spirit of death. Now! We were stunned, and we did immediately what the Lord had said to do. Right then, a window of opportunity opened up where we were able to lay our hands on Winnie and pray just as the Lord had instructed.

By God's grace and the heroic actions of the doctors, both my wife and my baby were saved. The doctors kept both Winnie and Yana in the hospital for another month before clearing them to go home. This was my crash course introduction to Jesus as our healer.


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