Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-13-22: Thinking Outside My Own Box

2 years ago

In a recent Awaken Bible Prophecy Update titled Making Sense of “Days of Noah” Prophecy, I discussed the conundrum we seem to have regarding the last days as Jesus spoke of them in Matthew 24, in contrast to what we see is occurring now and might also happen. Jesus seemed to indicate there would be a normality to these days. What we’re experiencing appears to be quite the opposite because of the darkness that’s closing in.

What if I was wrong in my speculations in that Prophecy Update? And what if the people who say we’re going to reawaken America with things getting better are right – to a degree? Is this possible? If so, how could it align with Bible prophecy as we know it that indicates the world is on a downhill trajectory with no return?

Going down this road, I decided to think a little bit out of the box, i.e. my own box, to see where that might take me. If you’ve listened to me previously or read some of my articles, you know I’ll go down these rabbit trails at times to see where they lead. I tend to be a contrarian. If the masses are heading one way, I may head another. It goes to the old question our mothers would often ask some of us: “Just because everybody else is jumping off the cliff, does that mean you should, too?” Maybe in my teenage superiority, I learned something from my mom after all.

Here I’m possibly contradicting what I previously said, of course. Poor Gary. He’s become schizophrenic in his old age.

Also, as I’ve stated in the past, I don’t believe that a single one of us who teaches Bible prophecy will be 100% correct. That’s a not a bad reason for developing multiple views of Biblical events that God hasn’t spelled out definitively as to how they’ll play out. God has ways of doing things that we in our flesh simply don’t see, with His outcome getting there in some manner that we never considered. So, today we’ll reconsider the Days of Noah Prophecy from a different perspective.


Gary – Making Sense of “Days of Noah” Prophecy

Pastor Dana - The Shutting Down the Machines Dream

City of God: Transgression – R.S. Ingermanson

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Kindle Vella story: Tribulation Rising

Please note that transcript is available on my website blog under post with same title.

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