Casket salesman blows whistle: 8 Years worth of child sized caskets sold in 7 months! | Stew Peters

2 years ago

Mick Haddock is a casket salesman at Casket Depot, which is his family's business. They produce caskets which they mostly sell to wholesalers.

They normally sell about 50-60 child sized caskets per year. During the last 7 months, they have sold 450 caskets. Haddock says, "We've now basically sold 5 years of stock in 7 months."

However, if you divide 450 child sized caskets by an average of 55 per year, they've now sold a whopping EIGHT years of caskets in 7 months.

Not only are sales of child sized caskets up dramatically, but also caskets for adults. This both happened after the start of the mass injection campaign for the respective age groups.

Note that caskets are not bought by wholesalers with the intent of being stored. If they're bought, they have a customer for them, which means they are being used right now. Increased casket orders right now, means an increased death rate right now.

This is Mick Haddock's tweet that got a lot of attention:

"My family business is casket manufacturing in North America. We have received 2 bulk orders for sub 5 foot units (children size) in less then 6 months. Never in 30+ years of business have we ever sold child size coffins in bulk."

He was replying to user LS who wrote:

"I’m currently at a funeral. Been chatting with the funeral directors who will remain nameless about the recent surge in deaths. They made me aware or the large number of kiddies they’re burying within a few months of the kiddie jab. They’ve been told they can’t talk about it.🤔"

Mick explains that talking about the dead, especially children, is such an uncomfortable subject that people would rather stick their head in the sand.

The professionals that are directly seeing these dead are keeping quiet for a bunch of reasons. One of them is that it's 'not done' to publicly talk about the dead. However, it's also not done to stay quiet if mass harm is currently being inflicted.


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