Gigantic Dutch Farmers' Protest Green Regs, 3880

2 years ago

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Good evening, I’m still reporting on the Dutch farmers revolt against deadly oncoming green regulations from their government.

Dutch farmers are fighting for the future of their country.

The government is forcing the reduction of nitrogen fertilizers.

In some areas a 95% reduction.

Without fertilizer, farmland will quickly lose economic viability.

The result will be not only a farm crisis, but will result in a food crisis as well.

But the depopulation crowd doesn’t seem to care. They have been paying farmers to quit farming. Today, it’s voluntary but it may soon become mandatory – forcing farmers to stop farming.

Maybe they will outlaw eating as well.

Starting in 2025, the government has banned internal combustion engines in certain areas.

And by 2030, all gas powered vehicles will be banned. People will have to flee the country to get food. And that’s exactly what they want – to lower the population one way or the other.

Look at all these tractors!
Farmers are surrounding police stations & threatening to block airports in a few days.

This is what the Green agenda is doing in Europe. Maybe the Greenies should go to Ukraine and stand in front of Russian tanks and demand they stop using so much gunpowder.

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