2 years ago

#earningthehate #AngryBaldCops #KennethWendt
HOUSTON — A sergeant with the Harris County Precinct 5 Constable's Office was removed as a Little League baseball coach due to his actions after a game in west Houston last weekend.

Kenneth Wendt's poor sportsmanship was caught on camera after his 9-and-under Scorpions Baseball team lost to Prospects Baseball on Saturday.

The game was over, but the drama was just getting started. The two teams lined up to high-five, but Wendt, who is seen in the video wearing khaki shorts, took it too far. He's seen bumping into the first kids in the line.

Parents are angry, saying he was too aggressive.

"Nothing in the world gives you the right to do that to kids," Prospects 9U baseball coach Victor Torres said.

Torres said you'd expect it from the kids, but not the coach.

"They come in and they slap you hard on the hand. And you'll be like, 'hey, don't do that.' But an adult, you wouldn't expect it," Torres said. "I was upset. I was really upset."

Scorpions Baseball sent KHOU 11 News this statement:

"His actions were unacceptable and do not align with our organization’s values. We removed him from coaching and from our club about 8:30 a.m. Sunday."

"How is that even possible," Torres said. "You hold them to a higher standard. And then you come out here and do that to kids, to 9-year-old kids."

A parent from the Scorpions, who was at the game Saturday, is defending the former coach.

“We have known the Wendt family for two years and Kenny has always been a great husband, father, and coach. He spends an extraordinary amount of time in coaching and helping kids and their families both on and off the field.,” the parent said.

Torres said it's a teachable moment for everyone.

"Just like I tell my kids" 'We don't lose, we learn,'" Torres said. "You don't do that to 9-year-olds. You don't put your hands on 9-year-olds. Especially not someone else's child."

The Harris County Constable Precinct 5 Office is aware of the incident and is investigating.

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